Huffard Dairy Farms, located in Crockett, VA, has been in the Huffard family for more than 200 years. We have been raising Registered Jerseys since 1929, when our grandfather, James Schultz Huffard Sr., made his first Jersey purchase and began breeding cattle using the Schultz prefix.

Trey and Easton Huffard admiring their youngstock.
Photo courtesy AgDaily.
Today the herd of 350 cows and 400 heifers is owned and operated by his grandsons, James S. "Jim" Huffard III and John Huffard, and Jim's son, Trey. In addition to the three, Trey's son, Easton, also enjoys working alongside his elders.

Trey, Easton, Jim and John Huffard.
We continue to focus on developing profitable, balanced production cows, breeding with the motto "Production-Pure Genetics Since 1929."
Milk from the herd has been processed at Duchess Dairy in Rural Retreat, VA, since 2010 using the Queen of Quality label.

Schedule a Visit!
We love to talk about Jerseys and genetics, so feel free to pay us a visit. We are visible and easily accessible from Interstate 81, just three miles from Exit 60. Or, send us an email if you can't make the trip!